Never Left Alone Concierge Services, Inc.

Ingrown Toenails and Hard Cuticles

Ingrown Toenails and Hard Cuticles Treatment

A Common Foot Ailment in Seniors As we age, our bodies undergo numerous changes that can affect various aspects of our health—including the condition of our feet. One common issue faced by seniors is the development of ingrown toenails and hard cuticles. These conditions can lead to significant discomfort and even serious complications if left […]

What is Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)?

Rheumatoid arthritis affects the joints

RA is a chronic inflammatory disease that occurs when the immune system attacks the lining of joints. It can cause joint inflammation, which can lead to permanent joint damage and disability. RA is often caused by a combination of genes and environmental factors, like tobacco.

Caring for Seniors with PTSD: How Caregivers Can Offer Support

A woman consoling while holding the hands of a man who is experiencing PTSD.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) affects people of all ages, including seniors. As a caregiver, you play a critical role in identifying signs of PTSD in seniors, helping them cope, and ensuring they feel comfortable seeking support. Continue reading and we will guide you on how to identify the signs of PTSD, how to provide compassionate […]

What is Sundowning

An elder couple sitting together facing the sunset.

A Caregiver’s Guide to Managing the Struggle and Providing Compassionate Care. As we age, we may experience a condition called sundowning. A pattern of behaviors that typically occur in the late afternoon or evening. These symptoms can be distressing for the individual and their caregiver. But there are also ways to help the elderly and […]

Vision Impairment

Vision impairment is one of the many common physical challenges we experience as we age, and most of them aren’t diagnosed until it’s too late. As caregivers, it’s essential that we keep an eye on our senior’s eye condition to give the proper treatment as soon as possible. Here are three of the most common […]

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease or COPD is a group of diseases that cause airflow blockage and breathing-related problems. If anyone you know suffers from breathing difficulties, it could be a sign that they have COPD and it’s best to advise them to consult their doctors about it as soon as possible. In the past, it has […]

Eye Injury Prevention

Eye injury prevention is not talked about much because most people think it is rare to have injuries to the eyes. Aaarrrrrggh, not so. With age, vision can get worse, which leaves someone with poor depth perception or problems with glare. This can cause you to misjudge distance or step height, which can lead to […]


An active senior enjoying in the pool

Aqua therapy is consists of an exercise program that is performed in the water. It is a beneficial form of therapy that is useful for a variety of medical conditions and uses the physical properties of water to assist in patient healing and exercise performance. Source: Verywell Health Falls are the main reason for injuries […]

Caring for A Person with Dementia

Here are the things to know about when caring for a person with Dementia. It is a general term for loss of memory, thinking, and reasoning skills that are severe enough to interfere with daily life. A person affected by Dementia may have problems with language, memory, behavior, and emotions. Source: ( Different Kinds of […]