The benefits of positivity and healthy living. While studies haven’t identified precisely why positive people are healthier, researchers suspect that it is because people who are more positive process stress better and move through hard situations more easily.
“Optimism is the most important human trait because it allows us to evolve our ideas, to improve our situation, and to hope for a better tomorrow.”
–Seth Godin (American Author)

Negative attitudes and feelings of helplessness can create chronic stress, which can, in turn, damage the immune system. Anger and hostility are related to health conditions such as high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, digestive disorders, and increased instances of infection.
Surprisingly, the tendency toward a positive or negative outlook does have a genetic component. However, this doesn’t mean that people can’t improve their outlooks. Some tips to improve your outlook include:
Smile more.
Even fake smiling can reduce heart rate and blood pressure.
Practice reframing.
Try to find a positive aspect instead of stressing about the situation.
Build resiliency.
Having friends and family nearby to share the situation with, accepting that change is a part of life and finding new ways to adapt, and feeling like you have the control to change the current situation are all ways to embrace whatever life throws your way.
Share your feelings.
Often, we spend too much time in our heads. Sharing our feelings with a trusted other can help us find a different way to look at a situation. If others are mired in their current negative situations, encourage them to share their fears.
Source: Johns Hopkins Medicine, University of Minnesota, and University of Wisconsin Health
Tips for Creating a More Positive Outlook
Get better sleep.
Take a walk outside.
Follow a healthy lifestyle.
Practice positive self-talk.
Surround yourself with positive people.
Be open to humor or create a place for smiling and laughing every day.
Consciously work on experiencing three positive emotions for every negative one.
Actively evaluate your self-talk at various points during the day.
Source: Mayo Clinic and University of Wisconsin Health
Here are some health benefits of positivity and healthy living:
Better sleep
Increased life span
Lower levels of distress
Lower rates of depression
Greater resistance to the common cold
Better cardiovascular health
Better coping skills during extreme hardship
Are you a negative or positive thinker?
Listen to your own self-talk – that endless stream of unspoken thoughts that goes through your head. Some forms of negative self-talk to watch out for include:
This means magnifying the negative aspects of a situation and not acknowledging the positive.
You or your loved one automatically takes the blame. Sometimes no one is to blame.
You or your loved one uses language that makes things worse than they are.
Single events in the day are rarely the “worst” or “most horrific.”
You or your loved one only sees things as either good or bad.
This leads to feeling like one is only perfect or a failure; healthy or dying tomorrow; capable or completely incapacitated.
If you are seeing these tendencies in your loved one, you should take care to address the subject, as they are more likely to see it as an attack and apply all of the above thought processes to that interaction.
Source: Mayo Clinic
Positive Self-Talk
Affirm daily what is good about you.
Remove the words “never” and “always.”
Express gratitude.
If you make a mistake, take a moment to forgive yourself.
Don’t say anything to yourself that you wouldn’t say to someone else.
Source: Mayo Clinic