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Looking for some great summer activities for seniors? Getting outside during the summer offers actual health benefits to seniors. A Harvard Health study explains that time in the sun raises Vitamin D levels and improves moods. ( For many seniors, a regular mood boost provided by outdoor activity can significantly enhance their quality of life. With health and safety in mind, seniors and their caregivers can enjoy being outdoors during the summer. We have created a list of summer activities that may be of interest to your senior.

summer activities for seniors

Here are some great summer activities for seniors:

1. Visit a Local Pool or Lake

In the heat of summer, spending time near a water source is a great way to cool off. Some seniors may enjoy dipping their feet in the lake, while others may want to sign up for a water aerobics class. Fishing is also a popular water-related activity. For those who don’t want to get wet, taking a boat ride or simply sitting somewhere with a scenic water view can be refreshing.

2. Bird Watching

For little or no money, bird watching can keep caregivers and seniors occupied and engaged all throughout the summer months. Whether relaxing in a nearby park or traveling to a wildlife refuge, bird-watching is fun and calming. For those who grow passionate about the activity, a few simple tools will enhance the bird-watching experience:

Set of binoculars

A few varieties of bird seed to scatter

Notebook or checklist for recording sightings

Birding app for identifying avian life

3. Attend a Simple Sporting Event

Major sporting events may be difficult for seniors, especially events hosted in large arenas where extensive walking, climbing, and sun exposure are required. Local sporting events tend to be friendlier to the aging. Attend youth or recreational sports leagues’ games instead. Just bring a comfortable chair, kick back, and cheer from the sidelines.

4. Play Basic Yard Games

Competitive seniors enjoy classic yard games. Caregivers and their seniors might run an informal summer tournament among friends or just between themselves. Just be sure to select yard games that are low impact and appropriate for senior limitations.

5. Check Out Local Festivals

Summer is high time for community fairs and local festivals. Everything from craft shows to free concerts in parks make getting outdoors more exciting. Look for a community calendar on the local government or regional recreational websites.

6. Take a Stroll

It’s basic, but taking a stroll is a pastime nearly everyone enjoys. Make going for a walk an outing by choosing different routes each day or driving to a scenic location to soak in the sights. Seniors will not only benefit from the sun, but also from the leisurely, healthy movement.

Popular Yard Games


Bean bag toss



Lawn bowling


Pickle ball

Move It Outdoors!

These favorite hobbies can be moved outdoors on summer days:






Playing Cards

Entertaining Friends

Building Models

Home Care Tip: The hottest time of the day is 3 pm. Schedule indoor activities for the mid to late afternoon to keep seniors from too much exposure to heat. Many seniors benefit from napping or eating in an air-conditioned space between 2 pm and 4 pm when it’s hot outside. (Farmer’s Almanac)

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